No panic at Leadcom! Fire Drill and safety lessons provided to workers.

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No panic at Leadcom! Fire Drill and safety lessons provided to workers.

2019-02-25T22:35:18-05:00January 16th, 2018|

The Leadcom Seating workshop held a fire drill recently. Safety lessons were provided and workers and security guards learned how to use fire extinguishers, how to escape from fire and how to deal with any potential injuries that might occur as a result.

Like any responsible employer, Leadcom Seating take the safety of their employees very seriously. We respect the need to test our fire plans regularly and ensure all staff are aware of emergency procedures in the unlikely event of a fire breaking out.


Our fire drills are aimed at reinforcing procedures to existing and new staff members alike; they provide the perfect opportunity to put into practice the fire systems we have in place and to demonstrate to staff precisely how they should react and how to avoid panic; they are a great opportunity to test that the equipment and fire procedures are efficient and effective for staff and site visitors alike; and we collate the results of every fire drill to ensure the highest standards are maintained at all times. We use these drills as the perfect opportunity to identify any potential weaknesses to our internal fire officers.

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