Maestro Vip recliners installed in Big Bio Cinema

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Maestro Vip recliners installed in Big Bio Cinema

2019-02-25T22:38:39-05:00January 15th, 2018|

Happy to have our Maestro Vip recliners installed in Big Bio Cinema, Denmark. Customer is so satisfied with the quality as well as the whole-auditorium control system that helps them close all footrests at a single touch of a button, in this way cleaners do not need to close one by one any more before next movie!

big bio cinema - leadcom seating

The movie theatre BIG BIO opened in Herlev, just outside Copenhagen, on 30 October 2015.

BIG BIO have gone all out without compromise, and BIG BIO is a new state of the art movie theatre. The idea of fitting the movie theatre with luxury seating and carpets is to offer guests unrivalled comfort and hence an experience that truly stands out.

”We need to differentiate ourselves from the other nearby movie theatres. We do this by making luxury standard, and the recliners from Leadcom Seating has been a crucial part of creating this standard.” – Henrik Obel, owner of BIG BIO. 

big bio cinema, leadcom

big bio cinema leadcom cinema recliner

Luxury provides a higher occupancy level
BIG BIO has introduced a standard that does not yet exist in Europe, and it offers the public the best possible movie-going experience. The guest is in the centre!

The competitive premise is created in order to provide guests with a better experience without increasing the price. Apart from the ultimate comfort, BIG BIO offers the best of the best within sound – the DOLBY ATMOS sound system is standard in all theatres.

“We sell the tickets at normal price, but we believe that we can get a higher occupancy level due to the higher standard ” – Henrik Obel.

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